Thursday, November 26, 2009


Last weekend the Volleyball team and I took a trip to St. Lawrence Island in the Bering Sea.  It is closer to Russia than Alaska.  Here are the pictures.  I can no longer upload video, but I have a few to show how windy it was when we took off from Savoonga and headed home.  Let's just say that the windsock was ineffective because it was completely horizontal.  Speaking of wind, the dog and I had planned on taking a walk and watching the sun rise over the sea this morning.  We did take a walk but only got about 30min down the beach.  the wind is blowing so hard that even I thought we were crazy to go any further.  The wind was not the problem, it was the snow in the wind.  Near white out conditions just outside of town...the flashlight I brought did little to nothing.  Happy Thanksgiving from the far North.

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